New Zealand: Complaints and Dispute Resolution

Agile takes the concerns of its customers very seriously. Agile has detailed complaint handling and dispute resolution procedures that You may access, at no cost to You. To obtain a copy of Our procedures, please contact Us on +61 2 8074 5942 or  To assist Agile with Your enquiries, please provide Us with Your claim or policy number (if applicable) and as much information You can about the reason for Your complaint or dispute. Agile’s complaints and dispute procedures are as follows:

Stage 1: Complaint Handling Procedure

If You are dissatisfied with any of Agile’s products or services and You wish to lodge a complaint,
please contact Us at: 

Postal address:           The Complaints Officer
                                    Agile Underwriting Services Pty Ltd
                                    Level 5, 63 York St, Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone:                 +61 2 8074 5942
Facsimile:                    +61 2 9335 3467

We will respond to Your complaint within ten (10) business days, or if further investigation or information is required, We will work with You to agree on reasonable alternative timeframes.


Stage 2: Dispute Resolution Procedure

If You are dissatisfied with Our response to Your complaint, You may ask that Your complaint be referred to:

Postal address:          Lloyd’s General Representative in New Zealand

Mr Scott Galloway

C/O Hazelton Law

Level 29 Plimmer Towers

2-6 Gilmer Terrace


New Zealand

Telephone: Tel: +64 4 472 7582


It will be handled by either Lloyd’s New Zealand or the Lloyd’s Complaint team in London. Where your complaint is eligible for referral to the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (IFSO), your complaint will be reviewed by a person at Lloyd’s New Zealand with appropriate authority to deal with your dispute. If Your complaint or dispute is not resolved to Your satisfaction or a final response has not been provided within 45 days, You may refer the matter to the IFSO, for review. IFSO provides a free and independent dispute resolution service for consumers who have general insurance disputes falling within its terms of reference and its contact details are:

Postal address:          Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (IFSO)
PO Box 10-845 Wellington 6143

Telephone:                   0800888202 or 04 499 7612
